Duties & Responsibilities
The duties of the County Clerk include:
Military Discharge
In order to record a military discharge, you must obtain a Form DD 214. The County Clerk will be able record this form once brought into the County Clerk’s office.
Tobacco Licenses
Applications for Tobacco Licenses require businesses to have their exact location, proof of identity, and a fee of $10.00 to the County Clerk.
Application for Special Designated Liquor License
One day license for nonprofit type organizations who are tax exempt by the IRS, or a retail licensee who wishes to hold an event off his licensed premises. The License fee is $40 Made payable to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission. Each application must have local approval, pay a $25.00 fee and a have signed statement from the County Sheriff. A non-profit organization must also include IRS information.
Application for Bingo License
A Bingo License is applied for and issued through the County Clerk’s office. It expires September 30th of each year. The cost is $10.00.
Travis Hobbs
148 West 4th Street
PO Box 25
Ainsworth, NE 69210
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM